What is XEOMIN®?

xeomin-logoXEOMIN® is a prescription medicine, specifically an FDA-approved botulinum toxin, that is used at Totality to temporarily improve the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines) in adults. XEOMIN® (incobotulinumtoxin A) is a highly purified neurotoxin that is in the same drug category and has the same mode of action as BOTOX®.

What are the benefits of XEOMIN®?

XEOMIN® is a nonsurgical treatment that temporarily improves the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines). The treatment usually takes less than 15 minutes, and requires no downtime or recovery. XEOMIN® blocks nerve impulses to the muscles in the forehead – called the corrugators and procerus muscles-reducing their movement. This decreased muscle activity helps lessen the appearance of wrinkles and lines.

What results are expected with XEOMIN®?

XEOMIN® improves the appearance of frown lines and wrinkles by smoothing the appearance of the skin yielding noticeable results. You can still frown or look surprised but without the wrinkles and creases.

What can I expect during treatments with XEOMIN®?

XEOMIN® starts to work within 24-48 hours. In clinical trials, a majority of people saw noticeable improvements at 7 days, with results continuing to improve for up to one month. XEOMIN® is not recommended to be administered more frequently than every 3 months.

What aftercare is recommended following XEOMIN® treatment?

It is recommended that you remain upright for 4 hours after injection. You are asked to avoid taking ibuprofen, aspirin, or Vitamin E for 24 hours after injection. You are instructed not to massage or manipulate the injection sites for 48 hours after injection.

What are the possible side effects associated with XEOMIN®?

The most common side effect is headache (5.4%). Possible side effects include itching, rash, red welts, wheezing, asthma symptoms, dizziness or feeling faint. Other side effects may occur including dry mouth, pain or discomfort at the injection sites, fatigue, headache, neck pain, and eye problems such as double vision, blurred vision, decreased eyesight, drooping eyelids, swelling or your eyelids, and dry eyes. Immediate or serious allergic reactions have been reported with XEOMIN®.

Is XEOMIN® safe?

XEOMIN® can be safely administered in the recommended dosage to adults. Like other neurotoxins, XEOMIN® may cause serious side effects that can be life threatening.

Am I a candidate for XEOMIN®?

XEOMIN® can be safe for many people; however, there are certain conditions which would increase the risk of this medication being injected. Do not take XEOMIN® if you

  • Are allergic to any of the ingredients (including human albumin)
  • Had an allergic to any other botulinum toxin product such as Myobloc (rimabotulinum toxin B), Dysport (abotulintoxinA), or BOTOX® (botulinumtoxinA)
  • Have a skin infection at the planned injection site
  • Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant
  • Are breast feeding or plan to breast feed
  • Have a neuromuscular disorder such as myasthenia gravies, Lambert Eaton syndrome, multiple sclerosis)

What does XEOMIN® cost?

Please check out our PRICING PAGE.

Schedule a Consultation


We encourage you to schedule a consultation with Connie Fogarty, RN today. During our meeting, we will advise on whether or not you’re an ideal candidate for XEOMIN®, as well as compose a custom treatment plan designed to achieve the smooth, clear and vein-free skin you’ve always wanted. Call the office today and one of our seasoned staff members will be able to assist you.

*Actual patient photos. Results may vary.

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