What is VeinWave™?
Veinwave is a revolutionary technique used to eliminate spider veins on the face. Using the principle of radiofrequency energy, Veinwave is the only treatment of its kind with FDA approval. Veinwave provides a walk in walk out procedure, with minimal risk of bruising, scarring, or pigmentation changes.
What are the benefits of Veinwave?
Veinwave offers many advantages over other procedures used to treat spider veins and telangiectasia, including:
- Less pain
- No bruising
- No downtime
- Ability to treat areas like the cheeks, tip of the nose, around the nose, and chin
- High degree of safety
- Faster than comparable treatments
What results are expected with Veinwave?
With the Veinwave system, you will see results immediately following your treatment, as tiny veins close and begin to disappear. Results will continue to improve over the next few days following your procedure.
What can I expect during treatments with Veinwave?
After cleaning the injection site, your specialist will use a very fine, insulated needle to administer the treatment subepidermally but without piercing the vessel itself. Tiny vessels will be destroyed and disappear quickly. Most procedures take between 10 and 15 minutes to perform, and no bandages are required following the procedure. Because the Veinwave procedure uses a very, fine needle, most patients experience some discomfort during the procedure, which is described as a brief pin-prick, or even a rubber-band zing.
What aftercare is recommended following a Veinwave treatment?
Everyday activity can be resumed immediately following treatment. It is important, however, to avoid the sun for a couple of days or use sunscreen. A few days following the treatment, tiny, micro-crusts, resembling a cat scratch may appear where the Veinwave has been applied. This is perfectly normal and does not require any additional care. These will heal and disappear on their own.
Am I a candidate for Veinwave?
Any adult man or woman in good general health who has tiny, red spider veins; the tangled, thread-like veins also known as “telangiectasia,” and who is looking for a quick procedure with no downtime, can be an excellent candidate for the Veinwave procedure. Veinwave is not recommended for the following individuals:
- Those who are epileptic
- Individuals with bleeding disorders
- Men and women with pacemakers
- Pregnant women
What does Veinwave cost?
Please check out our PRICING PAGE.
Schedule a Consultation Today
We encourage you to schedule a consultation today. During our meeting, we will advise on whether or not you’re an ideal candidate for this procedure, as well as compose a custom treatment plan designed to achieve the smooth, clear and vein-free skin you’ve always wanted. Call or text today and one of our seasoned staff members will be able to assist you.
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