Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical procedure used to treat varicose and spider veins. Although we usually use sclerotherapy on the legs, it can be used virtually anywhere on the body where unsightly veins appear. During a sclerotherapy treatment session, solutions are injected directly into the unsightly veins. We use FDA approved sclerosing agents (polidocanol, sotradecol). When injected into the vein, these agents react with the lining of the vein wall causing an inflammatory reaction which causes the vein wall to stick together. Following the procedure, you will be required to wear compression stockings for 2 weeks to help keep the veins closed. If you are uncertain about undergoing sclerotherapy we offer an initial consultation fee of $50. The following are facts you should be aware of pertaining to sclerotherapy:
- Total cost of a sclerotherapy session is $500 (minus $50 booking or consultation fee)
- Compression stockings are worn 24 hours/day for 3 days, then only during the day for 2 weeks. Stockings should have a compression of 20-30 mmHg. You may bring in your own stockings or purchase them from us.
- Sclerotherapy session includes up to 15 milliliters of foamed sclerosant which is the FDA limit.
- A typical sclerotherapy session includes treatment of both legs.
- Clearance of veins will take up to 3-4 months. You may Require Multiple Sessions, although a second session will only be determined after 3-4 months.
- Sclerotherapy is an art oppose to an exact science. Although results are favorable, treatment does NOT guarantee closure of veins injected.
Schedule a Consultation Today
We encourage you to schedule a consultation today. During our meeting, we will advise on whether or not you’re an ideal candidate for this procedure, as well as compose a custom treatment plan designed to achieve the smooth, clear and vein-free skin you’ve always wanted. Call or text today and one of our seasoned staff members will be able to assist you.
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